Level 72: Birds in Games (Benji Inniger) and POTW Anthony Botz

On this week’s episode, you’ll hear some examples of birds in games and how birds can be used in sound design. Composer, sound designer and amateur birder, Benji Inniger,is our guest.
Patron of the Week Anthony Botz sent a fabulous list of his favorite video game music, complete with his personal thoughts on each track. We talk about a song from Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete called “Wings” by Noriyuki Iwadare, and a track from Invisible, Inc. called “Factory to Market Wholesalers” by Vince de Vera and Jason Garner.
Anthony’s other choices were:
“Dragon’s Rest” from World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King by Derek Duke
“Reaching” from Wildstar by Jeff Kurtenacker
and “Sinful Rose” from Disgaea 2 by Tenpei Sato