Level 02: Kings Quest Audio Team

Take two! We posted a version of this episode last night, but we needed to take out some of the music.
Episode 2 of Level with Emily Reese features an interview with two members of Hexany Audio, who did sound for the new King’s Quest. It’s great; you should play it. And we hope you’ll listen to the interview Emily did with Jacob Rhein and Richard Ludlow from Hexany.
The earlier version of this episode included some of the brilliant music written by David Stanton and Ben Stanton for this new King’s Quest. Activision, who publishes the game, asked us to remove it.
We used clips less than 30 seconds in length, a common interpretation of “Fair Use Copyright” we learned in the several years we created and worked on nationally-distributed podcasts and radio shows for public radio.
Activision feels differently.
(let’s hope they don’t listen to the Top Score archive)
Sooooooo, the rest of Episode 2 features Emily discussing the nifty Classical Music Radio Station players can hear in Fallout 4. Here’s a YouTube link that includes most of what you can hear while you’re roaming about the Commonwealth.
Have a great weekend, friends!