Level 107: Laurence Chapman (Heaven’s Vault)

Laurence Chapman composed a beautiful score to Heaven’s Vault, a game I never thought I’d enjoy but I thoroughly do… enjoy the game, that is. The gameplay alternates between fairly heavy narrative-type play and sailing through rivers to get from place to place.
All the while, the piano and string quartet provide lovely accompaniment, both in the foreground (like when you travel) and in the background.
By Laurence Chapman, from Heaven’s Vault unless noted
An Ancient Language (Main Theme)
The Nebula
Before the Fall
80 Days Suite, from 80 Days
Sorcery 2, from Sorcery 2
The Nebula
The Desperate Ways
Ancient Places
Waiting To Be Found
The Nebula
The Nebula
Before the Fall
One Good Moon
Fantasia on One Good Moon
Under the Eye of Kibenya
The Children of Elboreth
The Desperate Ways