Joon Media 02: Stephen Baysted, Kirk Hamilton, Charlie McCarron

Hey, it’s Emily! I can’t believe we’re putting out show number TWO already.
Sam and I have had one crazy week, yet we managed to achieve greatness in this second episode (of course).
Stephen Baysted is on the show this week. He’s been composing for games, film and TV for more than a decade. His newest video game soundtrack is for Project CARS. I’ve never interviewed someone about a racing game before, so this was a treat. Project CARS is a racing simulation, and I was shocked when Stephen told me there’s no music in the game while players are racing. He gives an excellent reason why during our conversation!
Charlie McCarron is a guest this week. Charlie is the host of Composer Quest, a songwriting and music composition podcast in which he invites listeners to participate in musical challenges. He’s organizing a game jam to pair up developers and composers, which is SO GREAT. Learn more from Charlie on this week’s show!
A lot happened this week in the industry, so I invited Kirk Hamilton to stop by and set the record straight on a couple things. He’s the Features Editor for, and he’s fabulous.
We hope you enjoy the show! We’re going to pop a free shorter version up as soon as possible (ideally tomorrow!)
(and OMGGGGGOOOODDDDNESSS I can’t wait to tell you who I’m interviewing tomorrow yesssssssssssss!)
Here’s the PLAYLIST from EPISODE 002:
Charlie McCarron
Atmocopter demo
Atmocopter demo*
Star Reaction: “Glibberigwald”
Star Reaction: “Glibberigwald”
The Mystery of Grey Matters: “Prelude to a Life”, “Seven Days” and “I”
Star Reaction: “Star Reaction”
Star Reaction: “Sumendi”
Star Reaction: “Kítrinos”
Star Reaction: “Kítrinos”
Stephen Baysted
(all music from Project CARS, written by Stephen Baysted unless otherwise noted)
“Le Mans”
“Qui audet adipiscutur”
“Quies ante tempestatem”
“Quies ante tempestatem”
“Green Green Green”
“Lux Aeterna”
Symphony No. 7, 2nd movement by Ludwig van Beethoven, arr. Franz Liszt
Symphony No. 7, 2nd movement by Ludwig van Beethoven, arr. Franz Liszt
Kirk Hamilton
Destiny: Excerpt from “The Hope” – Michael Salvatori, C. Paul Johnson, Martin O’Donnell & Paul McCartney
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain: “V Has Come To” – Ludvig Forssell
Destiny: “Eye of the Gate Lord” – Michael Salvatori, C. Paul Johnson, Martin O’Donnell & Paul McCartney
Destiny: “The Tower” – Michael Salvatori, C. Paul Johnson, Martin O’Donnell & Paul McCartney
End Credits/Show Theme written by Samuel Keenan
*Music listed twice in a row indicates you hear the music in the clear twice