Level 99: Alexander Brandon (Aven Colony)

Alexander Brandon has been making music for games for quite some time, like back to the days of Unreal and Unreal Tournament.
His new project is Aven Colony, a city-building strategy game where you build a colony on an alien planet. The music changes and develops as you build your colony successfully, slowly adding more and more acoustic elements after beginning with more synth and electronic sounds.
Alex is also a voice actor (he’s Amaund Motierre in Skyrim, the fella who asks you to assassinate the Emperor), so we chat about how he got into that part of the games industry.
The Farthest Reaches
Midday at Azara Falls
Danger On Vanaar
Vanaari Glory
Vanaari Triumph
Vanaari Glory
Midday on Hyla’s Crescent
Sandy Gulch Danger
Dawn at Azara Falls
Protoss 1 from StarCraft by Jason Hayes
Protoss 1 from StarCraft by Jason Hayes
The Necromorphs Attack from Dead Space by Jason Graves
Daybreak at Hyla’s Crescent
Sandy Gulch Rises
Hyla’s Crescent Triumph